Which 9/11 Are You Talking About?
Today is a date that when Americans are asked, “Where ere you on 9/11?” Most people will answer with in school, at work, just getting out of the bed, or something similar because of the tragic event that took place that day. In honor of all people who lost their lives on that day, Americans must live their lives without fear so the terrorists don’t stripe our freedom from us. We must continue our journey here on Earth but not forget the brave who allows us to conquer and survive. According to Friedrich Nietzsche, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
On that quote, when asked, “Where was I on 9/11?”
I respond with, “What year?”
Of course I know they’re asking about the year 2001 – thirteen years ago today. Even though I prayer for our country and pray for the survivors of that day. Plus, the ones who gave their lives but soon after that prayer I thank God food him to let me live.
Thirty-one years ago, my life as I knew it died and living as a quadriplegic was born. I’m thankful for all who have come in my life and especially my family for their support and surveil assistances. Who would have thought I would live this long?
“We are each on our own journey. Each of us are on our very own adventure, encountering all kinds of challenges, and the choices we make on that adventure will shape us as we go. Those choices will stretch us and test us and push us to our limit. And our adventure will make us stronger than we ever knew we could be.” Author Unknown
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I am now a motivational/Inspirational Speaker. If you need a speaker for your next event contact me by E-mail: James@professorofperseverance.com and visit my Website at: http://www.JamesPerdueSpeaks.com
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